We're catching up with Ross again after the recent race at Cadwell Park where he achieved 3rd in R56 class in all three races!

Check out how the weekend went and see how Ross is feeling about the upcoming race at Mallory Park in May.


How did you find qualifying day did it go to plan?
So in practice, we encountered a re-occurring issue which reduced power massively but for whatever reason it didn’t log any fault codes.

The team worked hard and managed to diagnose and fix the fault just in time for qualifying. 

Qualifying was frustrating as I had to abandon pretty much all but one of my push laps due to traffic, toward the end of the session I left a huge gap to allow room to do a fast lap but unfortunately, I pushed too hard on the final corner and had a big sideways moment which lost me a big chunk of time which put me 3rd in class (R56 class).


How did the races go on Sunday?
In race 1, I got a very good launch and managed to work my way up the grid very quickly until contact with another driver and dodging another 2 drivers put me in last place at the end of lap 1, I pushed as hard as I could throughout the rest of the race and managed to secure P3 in class.

Between race 1 & 2, the team found a few problems with the car that needed repairing, they worked super quick to get it repaired and then @absolutealignment worked their magic to get the car complete again just in-time for race 2.

Race 2 felt like a very neutral race, not a lot happened and I pretty much maintained position to double up and finish P3 for the second time.

Race 3 I got a good launch and managed to overtake a few drivers up into turn 1 and by the end of the race finished a bit higher up the grid overall but unfortunately, none of the overtakes made were people in my class which meant I finished higher overall, but still P3 in class.


How did you find the weekend as a whole?
On the whole, it was a good weekend, my fastest lap across the whole weekend was a 1:42.359, which with a lack of power, I was pretty happy with.

The weather conditions in all races were thankfully nice and dry, perfect to get our Dunlop Direzza’s up to temperature.

Is there anything you would have changed?
If I could change anything about the last race weekend, I’d have taken it easier on the final corner of my qualifying lap and eliminated the over steer moment which cost me time and qualifying position. 

How are you feeling about the next race?
I’m hoping to do some test sessions to dial in the car once some new parts arrive and come back stronger for the next race at Mallory Park.

I’m feeling confident as I know there are changes to be made to the car to make us more competitive and hopefully have us fighting for 1st place.

On the whole, it was a positive weekend and we will now prepare for Mallory next month!
