Find out how the race at Mallory Park went below:


How did you find qualifying day did it go to plan?
Qualifying went fairly well, I managed to create a nice gap to go for a fast lap and by the end of qualifying, I managed to come 3rd which put me in a really good position for the race.


How did the races go on Saturday?
Going into race 1, I felt confident in my pace and was ready to chase the drivers in front of me. I got a good launch off the line and managed to work my way up to 2nd place but for some reason, I lost power for about 5 seconds coming out of turn 1 which allowed 2 drivers to overtake me down the straight. I pushed as hard as I could to try and regain positions but I wasn’t able to regain the positions which had me ending race 1 in 4th place.

We checked over the car and found a fuel sensor issue, we were unsure whether it was this that caused the loss of power or not and unfortunately it wasn’t something that could be fixed trackside.

We went into race 2 aiming for a comeback to try and get myself back into a podium position. Into turn 1, 2 drivers crashed beside me and into my line of track, I was hard on the brakes to avoid the crash but unfortunately it was unavoidable and we ended up making contact.

I slowly drove back to the pits as there was a knocking noise when I was steering, it turns out that both my wheel arches had fell off, my bumper was broken and my brake ducts had come loose. The team quickly removed all loose parts of the car, secured my bonnet and I was able to continue. The race restarted from the grid but as I had to come into the pits, I had to start from last position from the pit lane.

Once all drivers had begun the race and drove past me, I was released from the pit lane where i begun the chase. I pushed as hard as I could and by the end of the race I had overtaken 8 drivers which felt pretty mega considering the circumstances. I finished in 5th position, only 0.2 seconds behind 4th place and 0.9 seconds behind 3rd place!


On the whole, I’m happy with the pace and we can only move forward from here. The boys and girls at Areeve Motorsport will work hard to fix my car ready for our next outing in July where we will tackle Thruxton race circuit.

I just want to say a special thanks to:
Sytner MINI, Blackmore Automotive, Refurb Doctor, Adam Alexander, Shellay Alexander, Owen Loach (OJL Photos), Matthew (MDC Media), Sam Walker, David Walker, Chris Round, Jordan Amy-Lea Smith, Millie Pretty and Areeve Motorsport

For all your support and roll on Thruxton in July!
